Saturday, 9 January 2016

Person of The Year Award 2015

Tommy was chosen as the Manotick Messenger's Person of the Year. What a very special honour! The ceremony took place at the Legion. Tommy and Melanie got to sit at the head table for dinner. They loved it! It was so special!

We'd like to thank our sponsors for their dedicated support and continuous generosity. 

" This whole project grew because of you! Thank you so much! Thank you for this incredible opportunity to make a small difference in this big country. Thank you for never giving up on us and supporting us right across Canada. Thank you for supporting the drum circle. Our special need students and families are loving it so much. Thank you for all you do and just being you"

Some of sponsors have struggles and difficult chapters of their own and still find time to help us! What amazing people with tremendously big hearts...We wish everyone courage, strength, love and acceptance.

Tommy and Melanie hope to continue doing presentations and hope to grow their hand drum circle. Tommy and Melanie have done over 70 presentations,  have distributed over 10,000 books and have purchased over 35 hand drums.  Tommy lead his first drum circle back in November and has many more booked in the new year.

Link to article: CLICK HERE
Thank you again for all your support!