Thursday, 14 April 2016

Algonquin College

Tommy, Melanie, the 2 pet rats and 9 other students from St. Mark's were invited to Algonquin College for a presentation, a rat race and a demonstration of the hand drum circle.
It was amazing !!!!! Standing ovation !!!!!!!!!!

The drum circle lead by Tommy started at St. Mark during lunchtime for students with disabilities and without. The group has been practicing together once a month. They are continuously creating new ideas. They now have some dancing and singing during the drum circle. Wow!

United Way Award

What a surprise! Tommy received a Community Building Award. Dylan Black was the award presenter from Boom 99.7

Tommy's name will be inscribed on the Wall of Inspiration located in Jean Pigott Hall at Ottawa City Hall. The Wall of Inspiration is a visible reminder to residents and visitors of the enduring commitment that these individuals and organizations have made to Ottawa.

Way to go Tommy and Melanie!!!!! Way to go Drum Circle were  really great...BCNU  soon...squeak!